Hannah was born Friday, August 27, at 6:54 p.m. weighing 8 lbs 11 ounces. That makes Hannah the heaviest of all the children at birth. She has quite a bit of black hair.
We are so grateful she arrived healthy and safe. Shortly before the birth, Anna had received a blessing promising her that angels would be present to assist. I asked her afterward if she had felt their presence, and she said yes.
Here is the whole gang. Our new family!
Congrats!! So glad that all went well and that you are all enjoying the new addition to your family!
She is so beautiful!!! What a lovely family you have, Anna! I am so happy for you!
Did you hear the news that Julianna is getting married? We are thrilled.
Keep in touch!
; 0 )
Diane Hopkins
In the hospital and everything! Congratulations! I'm glad you named her Hannah. I wanted that name but Earl's sister got it and in his family there is no doubling up on names. Of course, there are only 15 others to compete with. :) I hope she is a good baby for you! Lot of love and prayers sent your way.
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