Every family has problems and challenges. But successful families try to work together toward solutions instead of resorting to criticism and contention. They pray for each other, discuss, and give encouragement. Ezra Taft Benson

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dale and Cynthia Flake Family

This photo was taken July 2007 in Vernal, Utah. For the first time all the family was together except Wesley, who flew home to Ohio for work, and Ruth who was at BYU Idaho. Both were added to the photo later. Four more grandchildren have been born since then so it did't stay up to date for very long.
The "originals" (minus Ruth).

An orderly photo with their grandchildren.

        What you can't see in the photos.


Jenni said...

how many grandkids are there now?

The Foisters said...

There are currently thirty with no further announcements...yet

Jenni said...

hey Anna, when did you guys get married?

The Foisters said...

10 years ago. Dec. 18, 1998