Every family has problems and challenges. But successful families try to work together toward solutions instead of resorting to criticism and contention. They pray for each other, discuss, and give encouragement. Ezra Taft Benson

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Mishap and Current Events

Christmas Morning!

Well that was Christmas! I wish I were more on top of things. We will not divulge all of our New Year resolutions but one of my #1's is to be more effective by being more organized. Christmas Eve I spent running to three different hospitals trying to get help for little Maryann. The Urgent Care took x-rays and said her left arm was broken but nobody would put a cast on it. Finally, a paramedic at Children's Hospital put a splint on. Maryann fusses more now with that big awkward thing on then she did before. I was having the children fold laundry and I was putting away the piles. I left Maryann on the couch and somehow she rolled (which I still haven't seen her do) and fell off the couch. There was a small pile of clothes there to break her fall and she only fell about one foot. I guess she just fell just right - or just wrong - however you look at it. That was a week ago. She seemed fine but fussed every time I put her left arm in a sleeve so I figured something was wrong so I took her in. I feel bad and wish it were me - but then who would put away the laundry. Poor Maryann!

Wesley and I are playing in a soccer league. I love it but it is frustrating when I have an open road to the goal but I don't know HOW to get there. I have never played soccer before and the ball doesn't go anywhere when I kick it if my food actually makes contact with the ball. The team was frustrated also- that is our team, the other team didn't bother playing defense when I was playing offense. But, it is fun anyway. Today it was 65 degrees ABOVE so I got to practice a little with the kids - I didn't stand a chance.

At this time of year we think of so many friends and family. The whole holiday season I wish I could get together with one of you - any of you! Is anyone going to be around our area for New Year's? We love you all and miss you even more - or vise versa. May the spirit of Christ feel your homes and your hearts!

1 comment:

Mama D said...

Hope Maryann's arm heals quickly. What a fluke accident!