Every family has problems and challenges. But successful families try to work together toward solutions instead of resorting to criticism and contention. They pray for each other, discuss, and give encouragement. Ezra Taft Benson

Saturday, August 11, 2018

This week I was happy to make a mental connection between marriage – the kind between a man and a woman - and the fullness of the priesthood. I want to share several things from what I read. I think these are so encouraging!
President Joseph Fielding Smith gives priesthood holders this magnificent charge: "Now may the blessings of heaven rest upon those who hold the holy priesthood, and upon all our Father's children. Brethren, you possess the power and authority of Almighty God, and you hold in your hands the power to save and exalt yourselves and your loved ones." He does not specify which priesthood or whether it is a father, husband, or son- only "Brethren". I hope I can teach my young and grown men how important they are to us women and treat them accordingly.
President Smith clarifies for each of us what makes us (even women) qualify or worthy for a fullness of blessings. "There is nothing in all this world as important to each of us as putting first in our lives the things of God's kingdom, as keeping the commandments, as magnifying our callings in the priesthood, as going to the house of the Lord and being offered the fullness of the blessings of our Father's kingdom." I have always thought that everybody would want those celestial blessings. However,  a visiting General Authority explained that you can tell everybody doesn’t want it or they would go to the temple, they would do their ministering, they would pay their tithing, they would do what is required.
 I recall Elder Maxwell talking about our desires. He says we will get what we desire and so it is important that we “educate our desires.” If I want my children to be sealed to me –more than I want anything else, then of course I will stay worthy for the temple and of course I will teach them about the temple. However, if I want them to be a good musician, athlete, or business owner than that will take precedent over other things every day. Sunday games, honesty, whatever I do will reflect on what I really want. It really is in our own hands, our own agency. Our willingness to obey and sacrifice shows the Lord what we really want. Do I really want the fullness of the Lord’s blessings? What am I going to do about it.
 Marriage is a covenant that can bring a fullness of joy. How much do I want a happy marriage? 

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